Welcome to Heights!
Our church would love to have you come and be a part of what is happening here. You will find a great deal of information about our church on this site, but feel free to contact us with any questions.
Welcome to Heights!
Our church would love to have you come and be a part of what is happening here. You will find a great deal of information about our church on this site, but feel free to contact us with any questions.
Contact and Directions
We would love to visit with you! Feel free to stop by our offices at any point throughout the week, or give us a call or send an e-mail. All of our info is listed below.
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:45AM - 2:45PM
General Email: hbc.officeheights@gmail.com
We are located at:
1220 So. 49th St.
(49th & Ave. M)
Temple, Texas
First Time Info
Sunday School
9:45 A.M.
(Bible Study
and Fellowship)
Come and build friendships while learning more about the Lord.
Morning Worship Service
11:00 A.M
Our Sunday morning worship service is a blended worship service incorporating the old and the new to try and reach multiple generations for Christ. Our church is intergenerational and welcomes people from all walks of life.
facebook live on sunday mornings
If you are unable to come to church, our morning worship service is streamed live on facebook each week. If you are unable to meet with us when it is live, the service will be posted on our website later in the week (heightsbc.org) or you can also watch it again on facebook.